$10,000 - $400,000 MATCHING EQUITY InvESTMENTS
(“$1 for $1” private capital REQUIRED)
The 49SAF Co-investment Fund is a dollar-for-dollar fund: 49SAF will match new cash equity (or equity-like) investment into any Alaska company up to $400,000.
49SAF will match investment into qualifying Alaska-based companies, taking an “index fund” approach to Alaska firms receiving equity funding.
Dollar-for-dollar, private cash equity (or equity-like) new investment is required, meaning that you must have secured private capital investments in the last year or must be actively seeking a matching investment.
Investment matches range between $10,000 and $400,000 for qualifying companies applying for our investment match.
49SAF will evaluate existing investors and investment terms to understand long-term business success, reasonable terms, lack of conflicts of interest, and compliance with our Federal guidelines.
Must be based in Alaska or have a significant economic impact on Alaska.
See links above to our Eligibility Criteria and FAQs for full details.
Have questions? Not sure if this is the right type of funding for your business?
Email 49SAF [at] muni.org or click here to schedule a meeting, and we’ll gladly walk you through the process.